Whether you are seeking short or long term accommodation, our stylish suites at Central 88 are designed to suit your lifestyle. Every suite is warm and cozily fitted out for your enjoyment. Located i

The Stanley Oriental Hotel is one the newest and most sought after short-stay residences in Hong Kong.Exclusively situated at Stanley Bay.South side of Hong Kong island,residents can feel the cool se
S物業地產 / 服務式住宅Stanley Oriental Hotel

The Stanley Oriental Hotel is one the newest and most sought after short-stay residences in Hong Kong.Exclusively situated at Stanley Bay.South side of Hong Kong island,residents can feel the cool se
S物業地產 / 服務式住宅Stanley Oriental Hotel

The Putman One of contemporary design's lesding visionaries. 202 Queenis Road Centeal,Hong Kong t +852 2233 2233 f +852 2233 2200

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8物業地產 / 服務式住宅8度海逸酒店

Situated in the Kowloon retail and commercial hub where you will find yourself within walking distance to glittering shopping malls, restaurants and commercial office area, the hippest lifestyle is n


短租良機 --3 分鐘到牛頭角地鐵站 +100% 無敵全海景 3min to Ngau Tau Kok MTR +100% sea view 短租良機--至少3個月 , 每月 $9,500--10,000 (免佣,包差餉,管理費) 租金不時變動,請來電查詢 下午五時後電: 9280—9003 (請留言) 相片連結 : http://www.flickr.com/photos/2795

Short & Long Term Lease Fully Modern Furnished "HOME FEEL" Apartments Lease from 1 month up. Please click the link for detail information http://www.brightvale-apt.com.hk/for_rental_deta
B物業地產 / 服務式住宅Brightvale Limited

Short & Long Term Lease Fully Modern Furnished "HOME FEEL" Apartments Lease from 1 month up. Please click the link for detail information http://www.brightvale-apt.com.hk/for_rental_deta
B物業地產 / 服務式住宅Brightvale Limited

Short & Long Term Lease Fully Modern Furnished "HOME FEEL" Apartments Lease from 1 month up. Please click the link for detail information http://www.brightvale-apt.com.hk/for_rental_deta
B物業地產 / 服務式住宅Brightvale Ltd.

Short & Long Term Lease Fully Modern Furnished "HOME FEEL" Apartments Lease from 1 month up. Please click the link for detail information http://www.brightvale-apt.com.hk/
B物業地產 / 服務式住宅Brightvale Ltd.

屯門澤豐花園罕有分租房平租,約80呎,附床褥及衣櫃,共用2個洗手間(附按摩花灑功能),廚房有洗衣機及雪櫃,有免費Wifi,只租$3800;附雅致裝修,新淨企理,間隔四正,寬敞實用,擁翠綠光猛園景;屋苑兼附有24小時完善保安管理及電梯。 此外,交通極方便,步行約10分鐘即到屯門西鐵總站(35分鐘車程直達尖沙咀),1分鐘即到輕鐵站,另樓下有巴士及通宵小巴直達港九新界,有巴士直達深圳灣(約15分

位於銅鑼灣的心臟地帶,只需幾分鐘的路程便可步行至地鐵站,毗鄰利園,時代廣場,超級市場,咖啡室及娛樂中心。Apartment O 可提供24小時地區的優勢及便利予以每一位住客。

位於銅鑼灣的心臟地帶,只需幾分鐘的路程便可步行至地鐵站,毗鄰利園,時代廣場,超級市場,咖啡室及娛樂中心。Apartment O 可提供24小時地區的優勢及便利予以每一位住客。

藍田/觀塘麗港城業主管理免佣出租 租金包括每星期打掃清潔1-2次

單人房房型: $6,300起 Room type: Single Room En-suite, starting from HKD6,300 Foreigners and oversea Students are Welcome ! 歡迎外國商務留學生及本地租客! 月租式單人套房 (免佣)交通便利,設施齊備,租金相宜 每間房設有獨立廁所 *** 接受長短合租至少一個月 ***
物業地產 / 住宅出租The Shang Hai 347 Ltd.

雙人房房型: $7,600起 Room type: Double Room En-suite $7,600up Foreigners and oversea Students are Welcome ! 歡迎外國商務留學生及本地租客! 月租式雙人套房 (免佣)交通便利,設施齊備,租金相宜 每間房設有獨立廁所 *** 接受長短合租至少一個月 ***
物業地產 / 住宅出租The Shang Hai 347 Ltd.

房型: 一房一廳 月租$11500起 Room type : Living Rm w/ 1 Br En-suite, starting from HKD11500 Foreigners and oversea Students are Welcome ! 歡迎外國商務留學生及本地租客! 月租式雙人套房連梳化 (免佣)交通便利,設施齊備,租金相宜 每間房設有獨立廁所 * 接受長短合租至少一個月 *
物業地產 / 住宅出租The Shang Hai 347 Ltd.

雙人+沙發房型:月租$8,900起 Room type : Double Rm w/ sofa En-suite, starting from HKD8,900 Foreigners and oversea Students are Welcome ! 歡迎外國商務留學生及本地租客! 月租式雙人套房連梳化 (免佣)交通便利,設施齊備,租金相宜 每間房設有獨立廁所 ** 接受長短合租至少一個月 **
物業地產 / 住宅出租The Shang Hai 347 Ltd.
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